Monday, December 23, 2019

On the Son.....

Yes, he has done a GREAT thing for me. But only I pressed him. And after I MYSELF had developed it, and come up with the idea. HE himself would never ever do anything for me (or anybody else for that matter. True, he does technical things and quite willingly for his buddies). I had evolved a revolutionary computer-aided translation concept. And got him to computerize it. Now it stands raw. I do use it and it works rather  well,  but it could have been ABSOLUTELY superb. I know what I say. Of course, I praised him lavishly today. I still haven't told you one very important thing about him. The subject is so big and complex that I never dared to touch upon it in passing. He is turning into virtually into a hunchback. Stooping in adolescence  is becoming somewhat of a hunch. I requested him, I asked, I ordered, I implored and besought and promised prizes for doing corrective exercises. No go! He NEVER does what he dislikes. Thus through his obstinacy a young man in the prime of his life is turning into a hunchback. I literally CRY as I look at him. But he doesn't care....
Once he came down with some slight illness. A doctor called. As she saw he she exclaimed that he MUST urgently do something about his body. You think he followed the doc's advice? Hell, no! He does always and invariably what and how he please. It is largely the result of my wife's all-permissive treatment of him. (you don't like it? don't you do it then). I too am to blame because I didn't pay due attention to him. Why? In a way because I was nobody in this house as long as my father-in-law (my wife's father, generally a very good man) had lived here. He too indulged all the child's caprices... Hence a very sorry result. 

Il'ya in Hebrew - Elijah - it means the Holy Spirit - he may or may NOT understand his Dad's lot... He may now think that I am a failure in this life.... I have no money, no real estate. no firms to provide me with comfortable living.... I have no and don't know (and don't care to know how) to drive a car... I am inferior to him in practically all domestic chores.... Except that he I care for how to fix 'em, while he doesn't care.... And that I give all my money and all myself away to supporting the family while he channels whatever he earns exclusively into his wishes and desires.... I don't mind. But we must understand what is what.... Yep, he misses his home/house living in that single-room bastardly apartment. I understand him.... Come and live where you were borne... Again, it's a long talk. 

On the 9th of December Illya's daughter - our granddaughter Olga - will turn one year. She CAN already stand and tries to make her first steps. At around this time of life children normally try to walk. For us this is a special moment. My son has changed his job. He now earns fairly well, unlike his dad, who strives all the time to keep his head above water.

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A Touch of Absurdity

                                                                                                                  A Touch of Absurdity ...